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A Guide To Local History In The Holsworthy Area.

Holsworthy and Area History

These are a few items I have gathered over the years concerning local history and have made them available here in the hope they may be of interest to someone.


I grew up in Ashwater and these articles have been preserved by my family.

There is a short article by Cecil T Collacott about Ashwater and Halwill published around 1963 and a detailed history of Ashwater Parish and Church by Rev. GD Melhuish published in the early 1900's.


The Holsworthy section, The Passing Years, was published in 1989 by the Holsworthy Local History Centre and gives a lot of interesting facts about Holsworthy's past. The book is now out of print but a copy can be viewed at Holsworthy Museum.
The information from the book is presented here as a searchable database which makes finding information a lot quicker than the original.

Associated Reading

There are also included articles on The Anglo-Saxons and Harold II that are not specifically related to the Holsworthy area but are associated reading to some of the articles.