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A Guide To Local History In The Holsworthy Area.

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Entries concerning Freindly Societies
1418    St. Catherine’s Gild known to have been established by this time.
1547    Supression of Guilds by Henry VIII.
1807    Four Friendly Societies in Holsworthy with a membership of 200.
1812    Ann Bayley left in her will a field called “Little Buddle” to her brother William Carlisle and his heirs subject to a sum of 30s.0d. per annum to be paid to the church minister to give 1s. each to 30 poor people not already receiving relief, and also a payment of 30s.0d. per annum to the Friendly Society for Women for as long as that society should exist.
1837    Holsworthy Union formed.
1837    February 1st. First meeting of The Board of Guardians of Holsworthy Union. Mr. John Vowler elected as Chairman in The White Hart.
1865    Miss Jane Meyrick’s will left £3 yearly to The Penny Clothing Club.